by: zo & maddy
Our Next
Our Next Generations. I’ve been thinking about that word a lot lately. The past, the present, the future. Generations of people are what makes up the story of humanity. The story of us.
experience lived, experience gained. the last 10 months in Africa
When we do something challenging, or new, or unexpected, what is the one thing we always gain? Experience. For better or for worse. And with this experience we become the experienced ones, the people who can share wisdom not just from theory, but (yep, you guessed it) from experience.
4 things to remember about your dream
Waiting for a dream is hard. Did you know that most people won’t see their dreams or greatest accomplishments lived out. But who knows if that’s a real statistic and if I’m too young to know this, right? Unless you ask enough people what their dream or purpose is…
what are you chasing after?
Got a dream? A goal? Perhaps a vision for your life? Let’s find out if what you’re chasing after is actually what you should be chasing after.
uhauls and grandmas made me cry today
I know when I get emotional about random menial things, something is really going on. But, uhauls and grandmas aren’t real reasons to cry. These are usually good things?
3 of my favorite books — have you read any of these?
I couldn’t be more thankful for this tiny exercise of reading a couple pages a day. It’s accomplished a lot in me. If you feel like you’re in that spot, looking for something to pick up, or just want a good read, consider checking some of my favorites. There are tons of great books out there, but these are a couple that have changed my life.
growing up to grow out
Embracing new seasons can be challenging. Here, look at how Maddy and Zo have stayed rooted despite new changes in their lives.
safety. healing. inspiration.
marriage can bring healing. these short and simple words (with no clear conclusion) inspire and shape safe places into growth.
madison in maputo, moçambique
madison wrestled and finds resolve with calling while visiting Moz for a summer. originally written and posted in 2017.
madison’s first blog post ever. as an underclassman in college, the author is just beginning to grasp her purpose in life. originally posted in 2016.