3 of my favorite books — have you read any of these?

Books can accomplish a lot. They can record or hold valuable information, change mindsets, change nations, be passed down for generations, entertain for an afternoon, spark interest and inspiration, or just sit there. I feel like I can somewhat relate, especially to the just sitting part. 🙂

One thing I’ve enjoyed lately is spending time reading books. Life has looked different this past year or so with shifted responsibilities, weird covid restrictions, and even personal routines. We’ve all had to put down patterns and activities we’ve been trained to accomplish every day. When everything paused for us… we just didn’t know what to do. So… I decided to pick up a book, or two.

I couldn’t be more thankful for this tiny exercise of reading a couple pages a day. It’s accomplished a lot in me. If you feel like you’re in that spot, looking for something to pick up, or just want a good read, consider checking some of my favorites. There are tons of great books out there, but these are a couple that have changed my life.


  1. The Rest of God by Mark Buchanan

    Mr. Buchanan states that what we’ve really lost is "the rest of God-the rest God bestows and, with it, that part of Himself we can know only through stillness." We can restore the meaning and method of Sabbath, both in the heart and in daily to weekly practice. HIs writing style is super fun and the practics he gives are easy to grab hold of. I first read this book in Africa and immediately bought multiple copies and sent them to my house. Eeeasily my favorite book and most recommended.

    my favorite quote

    “In a culture where busyness is a fetish and stillness is laziness, rest is sloth. But without rest, we miss the rest of God: the rest he invites us to enter more fully so that we might know him more deeply. “Be still, and know that I am God.” Some knowing is never pursued, only received. And for that, you need to be still. Sabbath is both a day and an attitude to nurture such stillness. It is both time on a calendar and a disposition of the heart. It is a day we enter, but just as much a way we see. Sabbath imparts the rest of God—actual physical, mental, spiritual rest, but also the rest of God— the things of God’s nature and presence we miss in our busyness.”

    If you’d like to get it on Amazon, here’s the link.

  2. The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence

    If you want to meditate on something simple yet deep, mediate on these letters. Brother Lawrence was a humble monk who discovered the greatest secret— "the art of practicing the presence of God in one single act that does not end." His classic method of cultivating a continual awareness of God in everyday living literally rocked the boat for me. The words he is saying are simple, yet challenging. He often stated that it is God who paints Himself in the depths of our souls. We must merely open our hearts to receive Him and His loving presence. Keep your heart open!

    my favorite quote

    “Do not be discouraged by the resistance you will encounter from your human nature; you must go against your human inclinations. Often, in the beginning, you will think that you are wasting time, but you must go on, be determined and persevere in it until death, despite all the difficulties.”

    If you’d like to get, here’s the link & here’s a free pdf file.

  3. The Prisoner in the Third Cell by Gene Edwards

    This is a beautiful story about John the Baptist, imprisoned by Herod, who actively struggled to understand a Lord who did not meet his expectations. This book and Edwards’ writings add more emotion and dialogue to what we would read in the Bible, but Jesus’ message hits just as hard. I felt like I was in the story, picturing John and Jesus (maybe🤷‍♀️) as they both wrestled with offense.

    my favorite quotes

    “He who takes up the sword perishes by the sword. He who refuses to take up the sword perished on the cross.”

    “And blessed is he who is not offended with me.”

    If you’d like to get my 3rd fav book on Amazon, here’s the link!

  4. *Bonus from Zo* The Heavenly Man by Paul Hattaway

    This is an amazing story of a Chinese Pastor named Brother Yun. He is called at a young age to preach the message of Jesus to his nation and he does so faithfully. This is a powerful story of redemption, suffering, persecution, and hope! Be forewarned. This will challenge your faith severely.

    his favorite quote

    “I didn't suffer for Jesus in prison. No! I was with Jesus and I experienced his very real presence, joy, and peace every day. It's not those in prison for the sake of the gospel who suffer. The person who suffers is he who never experiences God's intimate presence.”

    & if you want this one on Amazon, here’s the link.

What are some of your favorites? We’d love to hear them. Post a comment below!


uhauls and grandmas made me cry today


growing up to grow out