Is anyone feeling cheerful? Is anyone feeling giving? 🤩 There are so many ways to both cheerfully give and invest into God’s Kingdom. Thank you for your open hearts and giving hands.
support options
how you can make a difference in the lives of university students all over the world. help make a difference, starting today.
Your gift is tax deductible and will be handled with complete integrity.
monthly supporters
This consists of people who want to faithfully give a desired set amount monthly or yearly.
Average amount given is $150/month but every penny counts!
one time gifts
This is for anyone wanting to give a special one time donation.
You can give a one time donation at any time even if you already support monthly.
gift cards or encouragement
The best way to connect with students is over food or coffee. Here are some suggestions.
Starbucks, Chic Fil A, Chipotle, Einstein Brothers, etc.
mailing options
Schedule a 30 minute support meeting.
(find out more without the pressure)
Find out more about how your support can change the lives of students. Sign up to schedule a short, 30-minute video or phone call or face-to-face meeting.
“Let’s see where to begin… I have gained a new family that has been pushing me to become closer to God more than I have ever been. But I believe that personally God has been calling me to just become closer to Him and put my faith in Him. When I put my trust in Him I am able to become a better person, friend, and teammate. Growing closer has also allowed me to see clearly as to what I can do to help others as much as I possibly can. Just allowing God to work through me and not try to do things on my own has allowed me to push farther than I have before and become closer not only to God, but to my brothers and sisters.”
— Elijah (UCA)
“They’ve taught me incredible things about Jesus and what He can do for me, so it’s been awesome to see myself healing in ways I never could without Jesus. I want to thank you guys for supporting Madison and Zo and all the great things they’re doing for other people’s lives.”
— Kelly (UCA)
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
— 2 Corinthians 9:7
join the team
seriously, if you are interested in any more ways to give and serve please connect with us!